Okay people, here's the deal. I love to blog but having the everyday happenings of my family completely out there was a little too touch-feely for me. As it turns out, taking pictures of food is a great way to improve my photography skills. Tomatoes are way better at sitting still while I fiddle with my camera settings than my two year old. Thus I will continue my quest for recipe organization and photography improvement via this blog.
I discovered this recipe this summer while looking for new ways to use my tomatoes and it was love at first sight. I found the recipe
You'll need:
Olive oil, a Vidalia onion, 3 ears of corn, 3/4 lbs tomatoes (4 roma), fresh basil, lime juice, sugar, salt, crushed red pepper, and black pepper.

Start by cutting the stem out of the tomatoes.

Dice them up.

I know this is too many pictures of the tomatoes but don't they look delicious? Once they're all cut up, set them aside.

Next, cut the corn off the cob. Don't be surprised when the kernels jump all over your counter. I like to keep my little shark vacuum close by to clean up the silk and the dropped kernels after I cut corn off the cob so the hubby doesn't have a heart attack at the mess on the floor. If you know Ryan you are probably nodding your head knowingly while you read this. Once it's all cut up, set it aside.

Next, cut up 1 cup of Vidalia onion, I used one half.

Then slice up enough basil to fill up 1/3 cup. Take a good long sniff. Ahhh.

You should have this all ready once you're done chopping.

Once you have everything chopped up, pour a tablespoon or two of olive oil in a pan and then dump in the onions. Cook them until tender, about 5 minutes.

After that, add the corn and cook it for another 8 minutes, stirring regularly.

Once the onions and corn are cooked, dump in the tomatoes and basil.

Next you're going to add the good stuff.

Once you've mixed in the tomatoes and basil, pour in1 tbsp lime juice.

Next add 1 tsp sugar, 1/4 tsp crushed red pepper, and 1/8 tsp black pepper, and 1/4 tsp salt (not pictured. I think you get the idea).

If you're serving this to kids you might want to scale back the red pepper because it does have a bit of a kick. At least to my wimpy tastebuds.
Serve it warm, I love to pair it with grilled chicken.


You can find a printable version of the recipe